About Me

Runner, reader, foodie and fundraiser and most importantly on a walk with Jesus Christ. Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, educated by way of Charleston, SC and moved to Washington, DC to meet my Sand Mountain, AL raised husband of two years, Collier. We live in a house divided in Bama with Banjo and Lucy.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

First post...

I was motivated to start this blog by finding a college friend's blog (my DDD big sistah!) and realizing that following her was like catching up with her and almost like seeing her beautiful face again after TWO YEARS! I've started and stopped many a blog after one post, so here's hopin' that this time it'll stick. I'm sure I'll just post pics from my obsession http://pinterest.com/PatriciaCraft/ and maybe my life will seem interesting enough...

Because I am so weak, here's something I'm trying to work on remembering today:

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9

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